CQC’s responsibility for the standards and quality of NHS community wheelchair services – Freedom of Information request to the Care Quality Commission


Dear Care Quality Committee

Re: CQC’s responsibility for the standards and quality of NHS community wheelchair services

This is a formal FOI request relating to information published by NHS England today, which describes the standards and standards for NHS community wheelchair services provided across England by a range of organizations including NHS Trusts, NHS Hospitals and private sub-contractors such as Opcare. Confusingly suggests that CQC is responsible for quality. AJM Healthcare and others (see NHS England’s public FOI response below):


“4. Documentation of how NHS England addresses the unequal standards and quality (with respect to the presence or absence of designated DPOs and MDSOs) provided by different subcontractors and providers of NHS community wheelchair services. Please publish.

NHS England does not hold this information. CQC is responsible for assessing quality. CQC is the independent regulator for health and adult social care in England. They ensure that health and social care services provide safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality care for people and encourage improvements in care services. They monitor, inspect, and regulate services and publish what they find.If we find inadequate care, we will use our power [1]take action ([2]https://www.cqc.org.uk/about-us/how-we-d…

I have previously been advised by the CQC that the assessment of wheelchairs and the provision of this equipment is not a regulated activity and therefore does not fall within the scope of the CQC, even if the activity is within CQC regulated and inspected NHS hospitals and NHS Trusts. I was told it was outside. Apparently, the CQC has never inspected or regulated NHS community wheelchair services or wheelchair clinics run by private NHS subcontractors such as Opcare Ltd. and AJM Healthcare.

I would greatly appreciate it if CQC could kindly respond in a clear and unambiguous manner.

1. Is CQC currently addressing the unequal standards and quality provided by different NHS community wheelchair services run by private subcontractors and NHS providers?

2. CQC currently inspects and regulates NHS community wheelchair services and wheelchair clinics across the UK, whether contracted out to private subcontractors such as Opcare Ltd., AJM Healthcare, or operated by NHS Trusts. Do you have it?

thank you.


mark jordan


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