Shropshire Star

A care home near Bridgnorth has been rated ‘good’ by inspectors.


Information from the CQC reveals that Bradney House Nursing & Care Home has been awarded a ‘good’ rating following a surprise inspection on November 28th. This evaluation he announced on February 29th.

The large nursing home in Warfield, near Bridgnorth, provides care for up to 101 people and primarily provides support for older people and people living with dementia.

At the time of the inspection in November, 96 people were using the facility.

Inspectors rated the care home as ‘good’ for safety and responsiveness, and ‘requires improvement’ for leadership.

The report said the house was kept clean and renovations had already begun in areas that “required attention.”

It added that people were “supported to have maximum choice and control over their lives, and that staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and with their best interests in mind.” “The service’s policies and systems supported this practice.”

But while the report praised the “positive and open culture” at the home, it said the introduction of electronic care planning systems had limited the ability to implement tailored care plans.

Inspectors also reported that they found gaps in various records, making it “difficult to establish what actions were or were not taken.”


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