A new report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) shows that the West Midlands ambulance service remains the best in the country.

The CQC inspected the trust last year, looking at its two core services – emergency care and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) – and how well the trust was running overall. Today they published a report rating the trust as ‘good’.
Anthony Marsh, chief executive of the trust, said: “Our overall rating has dropped from ‘outstanding’ to ‘good’. It is disappointing given the hard work our staff work every day, but inspectors have I’m glad that we continue to believe in the field of compassion and excellence.”
“Furthermore, inspectors currently rate our Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as excellent, the only one in the nation. As noted in the report, our hospital has the best telephone response in the nation. We treat more patients over the phone than any other hospital.
“However, the biggest change noted by inspectors was in our effectiveness, which has fallen from outstanding to requiring improvement.” We have made it very clear that these delays have resulted in our crews being stuck outside the hospital for hours, unable to serve patients in the region. It has also been pointed out that it has a significant negative impact on health.
“As a trust, this is an issue we have raised many times and the trust board has rated this risk at a top 25. We understand the pressures our partners are under and We remain committed to working with our partners to make the necessary changes to get our products to patients faster.
“There is much to be proud of, given that this inspection took place during perhaps the most difficult period in the NHS’s history. However, we also note comments about our culture. The report also highlights the comments made by staff: We’re talking about the work we’ve done to ensure people feel heard and colleagues are treated with the respect they deserve.
“Over the past 18 months, the Trust has developed a new Cultural Statement, established a Sexual Safety Charter, developed a six-person staff network, and fully engaged staff in significantly increasing the health and wellbeing support available. and worked hard on it.Personally.
“While we are pleased that the CQC has recognized our progress, we fully acknowledge that there is still work to be done.
“WMAS has achieved a better rating than any other ambulance service by inspected service line, which is something our staff should be very proud of, but the We are determined to make the necessary changes to return to an excellent rating.”
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