Nursing home with dirty bedrooms and kitchen slammed as ‘inappropriate’


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<p><figcaption class=Willow Brook Care Home in Fareham (Image: Google Maps)

A care home found with dirty bedrooms, moldy bathrooms and a unkempt kitchen has been branded “inadequate” by inspectors.

Willow Brook Care Home in Fareham received a harsh assessment following CQC inspections on October 31 and November 3.

The care home, on Highlands Road, was rated inadequate in two inspection points: safety and leadership, and rated Requires Improvement for service effectiveness.

At the time of the inspection, the care home was providing care for three people with learning disabilities, poor mental health and complex needs.

“The bedroom was obviously dirty.”

One of the inspectors’ findings was that the rooms were dirty and untidy.

“All three bedrooms were clearly dirty and had not been maintained,” the report said.

“We observed clothes and bags strewn on the floor and wardrobes containing items strewn on the floor and piled up on shelves.

“There were trip hazards in the bedrooms and people were at risk of harm from the filthy conditions.

“There was mold growing on the walls of one person’s bathroom and the shower drain was broken and clearly dirty.

“The main kitchen was also clearly dirty with dirty cupboards and visible debris on the floor.”

“A big piece of wood with a nail on it.”

A large piece of wood with nails was also found in the disused kitchen, which was accessible to service users. This “puts the person at risk of harm,” the report states.

The report also revealed that newcomers to care homes are not immediately trained, meaning they may not be aware of current good practice.

The report also said that “staff did not always have the information they needed to safely support people, putting them at risk of harm.”

“Medications were not always managed safely. People were not receiving consistent, person-centered care that was empowering and achieved high-quality, positive outcomes.”

Regarding leadership, the report added: “Governance systems were inefficient and did not identify risks to people’s health, safety and well-being or actions for continuous improvement.

“Even though improvements were identified, they were not fully implemented. Records were not always complete.”

Willow Brook declined to comment.


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