Two Portlet care homes in Bournemouth have been rated ‘good’ by CQC


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<p><figcaption class=Portlet Lodge Care Home and Portlet House Care Home (Image: Google Maps)

A residential care home provider in Bournemouth has been rated ‘good’ following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Portelet Care manages four residential care homes across Bournemouth and specializes in people with mental health needs.

Two of the facilities, Portlett Lodge Care Home in Westby Road, Boscombe and Portlett House Care Home in Grand Avenue, Southbourne, were visited by CQC inspectors last month.

Residents living at Portlet Lodge Care Home told inspectors they felt “safe” and “happy” living there.

The residential area is home to 20 residents and the latest report was released on October 4th.

The report states: “The staff and people were kind and loving.

“The house had a relaxed, lively, and fun atmosphere.”

read more: Plan submitted to demolish and rebuild pool care home

Inspectors who visited Portlett House Care Home found 14 people living there, most of them suffering from dementia.

The report, also released on October 4, said: “The people are safe and have been resettled in Portlet House.

“People said they liked living there and felt safe, comfortable and happy.

“One person said to us, “My friend came and I’m very happy. The staff here are very nice.”

It added: “We observed staff supporting and interacting with people in a helpful, friendly and gentle manner.

“The staff knew the people well and spoke knowledgeably about their likes and dislikes.”

We are in the process of improving fire prevention measures for both houses.


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