Mr Knebworth: Monreed Lodge care home ‘needs improvement’


In the report published on Tuesday (February 20), Monreed Lodge was rated ‘good’ in three of the five areas assessed.

However, safety and leadership were elements that “required improvement”, according to the CQC.

The report also highlighted the “use of inappropriate moving and handling techniques.”

Comet: Monreed Lodge Care Home, Knebworth.Monreed Lodge Care Home, Knebworth. (Image: Google)

The CQC said: “We investigated six months of records and found that people were suffering from unexplained skin lacerations and bruising.”

“Many of these demonstrate the use of improper moving and handling techniques.

“For example, these were in areas of the body that could easily be grabbed or hit during support if proper care was not taken.

“I witnessed one person being pulled up by a staff member while another person said their arm was pulled during the night while they were being cared for.

“We shared these incidents with our management team and took immediate action.

“People living with dementia did not always receive support quickly or in a way that reduced the risk of distressing behavior.

“Staff were trained and were helpful and attentive most of the time, but this was inconsistent.”

Regarding leadership at home, the report continues: “Service management and leadership were inconsistent.

“Leaders and the culture they create do not always support the delivery of high-quality, person-centered care.

“Relatives expressed a range of opinions about how the service affected them, but they felt their voices were heard.

“One relative said: ‘Concerns are generally acknowledged, but action can take time.’”

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A spokesperson for Maria Malaband Care Group, which operates the centre, said: “Following the publication of the latest CQC report, senior managers are working to support all staff at Monreed Lodge Care Home in Knebworth to ensure that the necessary improvements highlighted are sustained. did.

“Since our first inspection, we are confident that we have made the necessary improvements and are building a positive care service, and we look forward to demonstrating this at our next CQC visit.”


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