Request for disclosure of information regarding delay in providing second opinion certified doctor (SOAD) – Request for disclosure of information to the Medical Quality Commission


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am requesting information about the provision of Certified Second Opinion Doctors (SOAD) by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This request is based on various provisions of the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA 1983), namely section 57; Relates to engagements under sections 58, 62 and 64G. Community Treatment Order (CTO).

SOAD’s timely intervention is vital to protect the rights and welfare of patients detained under the MHA 1983, or who are the subject of a particular treatment plan, especially where consent to treatment is complex. It is important.

With this in mind, we request the following information:

1. Overview of SOAD request and fulfillment times in 2021, 2022, and 2023: What are the average and median wait times from the time of request to the time of completion of the evaluation? The longest and shortest times recorded in each year. Please fill in the waiting time details.

2. Breakdown of data by section and treatment type: Provides a breakdown of the above times (mean, median, longest, shortest) by specific section of MHA 1983 and ECT treatment and CTO evaluation.

3. Geographic and temporal variation: Provides requested data segmented by region and month to uncover geographic or temporal patterns in latency.

4. Impact of delays: Has CQC conducted an assessment or received feedback on the impact of delays in SOAD assessments on patient care and outcomes? If so, please provide anonymized evidence and findings. please.

5. Policy and improvements: What measures has CQC implemented or plans to implement to address and potentially reduce waiting times for SOAD assessments?

6. Feedback and Complaints: How many instances of complaints or feedback related to delays in SOAD assessments were received by CQC during the indicated year? And what general themes emerged from it?

I understand the importance of this information in ensuring transparency and accountability in the operations of MHA 1983 and appreciate you heeding this request. In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we look forward to hearing from you within the statutory 20 working days.

If my request is too extensive or unclear, or if you require further clarification, please feel free to contact me. You understand that under this law you are required to advise and assist your clients to the best of your ability.

Please consider this.


Dr. Russell Latchman


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