Social care services in Aylesbury have been rated as ‘requires improvement’, while other housing in Bucks has been deemed ‘inadequate’.


Additional ratings have been assigned to a number of social care providers in Buckinghamshire over the past month.

The Care Quality Commission is responsible for assigning ratings to various organizations and care providers across England.

An overall grade from ‘excellent’ to ‘inadequate’ provides an assessment of how well a service is performing compared to a variety of criteria.

On December 7, residents at Halcot Nursing Home were told that the facility was “in need of improvement”. The home was last inspected on October 10, 2022.

Another care provider, Living Horizons, was judged to be of “good” quality in an inspection conducted on March 1, 2023. The evaluation was published on March 25th.

On March 27, Rushmead Residential Care Home was given an ‘inadequate’ rating by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Nov. 22 was the most recent inspection date.

There are four different ratings that CQC assigns to organizations.

The most severe form of rating is an ‘inadequate’ rating, which usually results in the organization being placed in special measures by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

‘Requires improvement’ is another grade given when social care services are not up to standard. This classification is considered relatively unimportant.

A “good” rating indicates that the organization is meeting expectations, and an “excellent” rating indicates that the service is performing extremely well. On the other hand, a “good” rating indicates that a company is meeting expectations.

As part of its role as an independent regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) also carries out reviews of hospitals, dental clinics, GP services and other community health groups. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) website contains detailed reports on care services.

Source: Bax Herrad.


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