Cloud Recruit Limited is hiring a CQC/Registered Manager in Gloucester, UK


Cloud Recruit partners with industry-leading providers looking for motivated and experienced Supported Living Managers.

Job Description: Responsible for all aspects of providing care according to your needs.

To realize the needs, aspirations and well-being of individual residents.

You can live a fulfilling and varied life in a regulated care

As well as ensuring staff happiness, well-being and efficient working;

House management.

Qualifications: Registered Manager Award or equivalent qualification recognized by CQC.

Job-specific duties

  • Provide leadership, direction, support, supervision and motivation to staff;

Providing the best possible quality and flexibility of care while working and living safely


  • Delegate responsibility for the day-to-day running of the home as needed.

Assumes overall responsibility while being Deputy Manager/Head of Care or Shift Leader.

We will monitor residents 24 hours a day.

  • Manage the effective use of resources by adhering to budgets, adhering to them, and reporting reasons.

Please report any objections to the Chief Executive Officer as soon as possible.

  • To provide residents with mental improvement, independence, and choice.

Physical, medical and material needs are recognized, assessed and met to the extent possible.

  • Involve residents as much as possible in decision-making regarding activities, lifestyle, and local issues.

Houses that can influence them.

  • Ensuring that the resident’s next of kin/representatives are supported and well-informed on all matters

Concerning the care and welfare of residents.

  • Actively encourage resident participation in all social and recreational activities;

Encourage all staff to adopt a whole-house approach.

  • Always understand and comply with all regulatory and legal requirements.
  • Executes the direction of the Director of Operations and Compliance or CEO regarding the following matters:

any regulatory or compliance issues;

  • Ensure that measures are in place to monitor quality assurance and that regular audits are conducted.

Locations and required actions are prioritized to improve service.

  • Market your home aggressively and effectively to maintain high occupancy rates.
  • Notify the Finance Manager and CEO of any changes in room occupancy as soon as possible.

It is possible after the change.

  • Conduct or delegate responsibility for completing pre-admission assessments as appropriate.
  • To communicate with residents’ families and representatives, general practitioners, social workers and other external parties;

Agency if necessary.

  • To recruit staff in line with the Trust’s recruitment policy, which is subject to the Chief Executive Officer.


  • Conduct performance-related reviews.Monitoring staff duties 6 times a week and 3 times a month

Improve performance so you can address issues as soon as they occur.

  • Assumes overall responsibility for resident intake and evaluation.
  • Maintain good professional relationships and cooperate with all residents, relatives /

Representatives and staff.

  • Plans, implements, and records staff supervision and evaluation.
  • Ensuring that the Trust’s mandatory training requirements are met and that effective liaison with the Home is ensured.

Administrators ensure that individual training records are clear, up-to-date, and maintained.


  • Oversee the training of staff in collaboration with the Head of Training within the Trust;

Maximum cost benefits are achieved and training is consistent.

  • Deal with complaints received in a timely and effective manner.
  • Addresses informal disciplinary matters and implements formal disciplinary procedures.

appropriate channel.

  • Provide and encourage good and open communication within the Home through meetings.

Written and verbal reports to staff, residents, or their relatives/representatives.

  • Oversee the implementation of labor systems that enable H&S legislation.

Requirements to be met. Examples: risk assessments, fire records, COSHH files, etc.

  • Ensure the trust’s absence management policy is implemented and adhered to
  • Working closely with the trust maintenance team,

Buildings and equipment are maintained and all regulatory requirements are met.


  • Be familiar with and comply with all agreed trust policies and procedures and all statutory requirements.

Requirements within the home.

  • Keeping CEOs well-informed on matters related to effective work

Home management and performance


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