Dear CQC Information Access Team
without malice, irritation, or frivolity
FOIA request (Reference: CQC IAT 2324 0642) was obtained on 31 October 2023 and requested all legal representation costs up to 31 October 2023 in case number 1800872/2022 of N Montana v CQC and Others was confirmed to be £77,137.05.
Web link: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/c…
An additional FOIA request was submitted to you on January 19, 2024 (CQC IAT 2324 0976). It requested an update of further legal costs incurred between 31 October 2023 and 19 January 2024. CQC responded to this request late on 20 February 2024. And with all due respect, CQC’s response states that it was unable to inform it of the cost to public funds at the time.
“CQC does not hold the information requested.
CQC is currently awaiting approval of the invoice. We cannot provide you with overall costs or detailed breakdown figures until we receive your invoice.
We recommend that you resubmit your request at a later date. ”
Hence the reason for further requests. With all due respect, this is a matter of national public interest (in relation to vaccination as a condition of deployment). With all due respect, the expenditure of taxpayers’ money on legal costs by the CQC should be subject to public scrutiny and requests for this evidence should not be unnecessarily and unduly delayed (CQC has been funding litigation with public funds for well over 3 months) now at no known cost The question arises as to whether they are trying to delay publication).
Please enter the following:
1) Breakdown of all legal costs for the defense of the claims in case number 1800872/2022 from October 31 to the present (February 11, 2024).
Includes, but is not limited to:
a) internal CQC costs, including the costs of the CQC legal team;
b) the cost of a government legal team, including an appointed government lawyer;
c) TLT LLP’s costs and;
d) Representatives appointed by the parties to assist and/or lead the defense on behalf of the CQC and individually appointed CQC defendants, including but not limited to trainees, KC and non-KC barristers; .
You are being asked for a breakdown of costs from October 31, 2023 to the present (February 11, 2024).
As an independent administrative agency partially funded by the Treasury, please contact us if you are unable to provide the above information for public scrutiny.
Applicants for this request must, if CQC does not already have an invoice for the five-month period from 31 October 2023 to 11 March 2024, provide an estimated figure for the work approved by CQC before issuing an invoice. We will be happy to receive details of (the CQC must approve the amount spent before public money is spent on litigation costs and that invoices from TLT LLP and/or Barristers (Clisters Chambers), GLD If not already sent, other evidence proving this will be accepted by the applicant for this claim (CQC).
Mr. Shires
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