CQC investigated Birmingham and District General Practitioner Emergency Rooms Limited (BADGER) to discover services where people can benefit from excellent care.
Following the latest inspection, the service was rated as outstanding overall, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. It has also received high praise for its safety.
BADGER provides on-hours and out-of-hours (OOH) GP services to GP member practices.
The service also has a contract with Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board to provide urgent care during and out of hours when GP practices are closed.
Services are also provided to St Giles Hospice in Whittington and HMP Birmingham.
Amanda Lindon, CQC Deputy Operations Manager for the Midlands Region, said: She said: “My tour of Birmingham and District GP Emergency Room Limited (Badger) showed a service where managers and staff go to great lengths to ensure people receive the best possible care. discovered.”. This service had a good understanding of what people needed.
“Staff said there is no time limit on the amount of time clinicians spend with people using the service.
“This gave people time to ask questions without feeling rushed, and people told us they felt welcome and safe.
“People can also receive out-of-hours care at a time and place that suits them, and where appropriate, through a home visit or phone call with a clinician.
“During the tour, staff told us about projects that came about as a direct response to people’s feedback.
“For example, staff can greet and support people at Solihull Hospital’s urgent care center, help prioritize those with more urgent needs, and control which urgent care center people go to. This includes the introduction of a new reservation system.
“All staff should be extremely proud of the care they provide to people.
“It is clear that they are working diligently to provide outstanding care, and other health care providers should also take a look at this report to see if they can learn anything.”
CQC inspectors found effective systems in place to protect children and vulnerable adults and ensure that contact information was not lost.
People said staff went above and beyond to provide excellent care. The provider monitored user feedback and used this to further improve the service.
The service had a clear system for managing risk to reduce the likelihood of safety incidents occurring. When incidents occurred, the service learned from them and improved its processes.
The CQC reported from people’s feedback that they found the booking system easy to use and were able to access care when they needed it.
CQC found clear evidence of working collaboratively with others to continue improving services.
To read the full report, visit cqc.org.uk/location/1-363157184.
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