This is the waiting time for patients at Hereford A&E.


A surprise inspection by the Care Quality Commission found a number of problems in the department, and a report released this week gave it an overall rating of “requires improvement.”

The hospital was also reported to have “inadequate” safety in the department, downgraded from its previous safety rating of “requires improvement” in 2020.

The latest CQC report, compiled after several visits to the department in December, said the department’s limited size and high patient numbers led to overcrowding and “difficult” conditions during accidents and emergencies. mentioned frequently.

Read more: Hereford A&E needs improvement after CQC inspection

A&E attendance numbers in 2023-2024

A&E Attendance 2020-2021

NHS figures show that in the six months from the beginning of August 2023 to the end of January 2024, Hereford had an average of 5,674 accident and emergency attendances each month, compared to an average of 4,802 patients each month in the same period in 2020. came to the hospital. By 2021, there will be almost 900 fewer people per month.

Number of attendees over 4 hours 2023-2024

Number of attendees over 4 hours 2020-2021

Waiting times also increased significantly, with the number of visitors taking more than four hours to enter, from an average of 1,191 people per month in 2020-2021 to an average of 2,600 people per month in the same period in 2023-2024, over this period. It has more than doubled. .

Waiting for admission in 2023-2024

Waiting for admission in 2020-2021

In addition, from 2020 to 2021, the average number of patients who waited 4 to 12 hours from admission decision to admission was 206, but this increased to 279 from 2023 to 2024, and the average number of patients who waited more than 12 hours was The number has increased rapidly since last year. 5 to 230 per year.

Wye Valley NHS Trust, which oversees Hereford County Hospital, said the layout and “significant space limitations” made it difficult to have confidential conversations with patients, and despite staff’s best efforts, patients He said inspectors had noted that privacy was not being respected. And sometimes their dignity was compromised.

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Among many other issues, the report also said crowding within the department resulted in poor conditions, with patients being cared for in inappropriate areas and making it difficult for staff to keep an eye on patients in the waiting room. ing.

However, despite the problems found, staff were reported to be kind, caring, considerate, and respectful towards patients.

Wye Valley NHS Trust managing director Jane Ives said inspectors had identified a number of issues that the trust was aware of and had already addressed.

Read more: Hereford Hospital speaks out after CQC inspection report

“Their return visit highlighted progress in a number of areas, including improved governance, improved children’s training for staff, improved children’s areas and increased numbers of clinical staff, including the introduction of nurses and medical assistants. Patients in the waiting room will be monitored 24 hours a day. ”

Ms Ives added that the limited capacity of the department and the increasing number of patients coming to the hospital were causing overcrowding in the department. This issue was affected more widely by patients in the trust’s acute and community beds who were medically fit to be discharged but were unable to go home for a variety of reasons.

Mr Ives said overcrowding on the wards was causing delays in transporting accident and emergency patients to the wards, further exacerbating the problem.


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